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  • Writer's pictureMatthew Duffield

D-Fried Reviewed on Igloo Magazine...

'The Spirit of the Young Poets' by Barcelona's D-Fried reviewed by Pietro Da Sacco on Igloo Magazine, an online magazine based in Southern California and dedicated to electronic music. "The scene is full of muted blips and bleeps hidden beneath a multitude of waves that gently rise and fall, occasionally dipping into distant echoes of light and evolving drone tones."

A multi-textured composition free from constraints of form or duration, while still maintaining a bold narrative that flows through many twists and turns. Inspired by the poetry of Sylvia Plath, and a reminder of the power of words and imagination, this longform track is best described as 'landscape music'. 'The Spirit of the Young Poets' is a meandering musical river from beatless textures to wistful melodies, and from deep ambient pools to gentle swathes of sound that raise the spirits. This is a sensitive and emotional listening experience that borders on the devotional and should be embraced. Out now on See Blue Audio.


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